MAR 1999 - FEB 2004
Bachelor of Arts / French Language & Literature
Bachelor of Home Economics / Clothing & Textiles
- Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
MAY 2022
Exhibition 'One is fine.'
- ONJIUM, Seoul, South Korea
APR 2001 - AUG 2001
Cours de français - Centre International D'Antibes, France
SEP 2001 - FEB 2002
Cours de langue et civilisation française de la Sorbonne, Paris, France
SEP 2004 - JUN 2006
Diploma Fashion design & Pattern making / Prêt-à-Porter femme
- Esmod Paris, Paris, France
JUL 2006 - DEC 2006
Internship - Céline, Paris, France
JAN 2007 - OCT 2007
Designer - Sonia Rykiel, Paris, France
NOV 2007 - OCT 2008
Designer - Chloé, Paris, France
2009 - present
MAR 2017 - FEB 2018
Seminar Thomas Meyer
- Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie, Berlin, Germany
OCT 2021
Acquisition of three dresses for the Humboldt Forum, Berlin, Germany
Nr. iii, iv, v from the collection 'ROBES Variation VII'